Wellspring is a handsome teak litter with subtle design features that make it easy to access and use. Robust and reliable, the Wellspring litter features a wide side opening and a hinged powdercoated top lid for ease of servicing.
- Features
Black polyethylene liner comes standard with each litter
22.5 in square and 31.5 in high
Robert Chipman
Wellspring - Brochure
Brochure (PDF)
Wellspring - Product Data Sheet
Product Data Sheet (PDF)
Wellspring Litter - Finishes and Materials
Finishes and Materials (PDF)
Wellspring Litter - Installation Guide
Installation Guide (PDF)
Wellspring Litter - Sustainability
Sustainability (PDF)
Wellspring Litter - CSI Guide Specs
Guide Specs (DOC)
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If you’d like to request a quote, finish and material samples, or information about making modifications to this product, please contact your Landscape Forms representative.
All colors, textures and patterns represented on the Landscape Forms website are approximate and may vary from samples and final product.
1% for the Planet’s goal is to significantly increase the overall amount of global dollars going to environmentally focused non-profit organizations. They connect these organizations with businesses like Landscape Forms, who then donate one percent of gross sales on certain products to one of the non-profits.
Putting Planet and People First: Landscape Forms Joins 1% for the Planet
The roots of Landscape Forms took hold long before the company’s modern and expansive East Michigan, Midlink, and Meld facilities. They began right off East Main Street, behind a beautiful home, in a small barn on what is now known as the Chipman Preserve.
The Chipman Preserve: A Company’s Roots Become the Community’s Future
Chances are that some time in recent months you’ve dusted off that old bike in the garage, put on your walking shoes a little more regularly, or enjoyed other outdoor activities that are normally outside of your daily routine. This seems to be a pretty universal phenomenon that, as we are faced with the uncertainty and stress of our current situation, we turn to outdoor experiences for comfort and relief.
Prescribing Nature: A Physician’s Perspective on Wellness and the Outdoors
In the face of the uncertainty and stress of our current situation, people turn to outdoor experiences for solace and relief, and in the face of a public health crisis, communities need innovative outdoor spaces to mitigate risk while enabling people to engage in the fundamental aspects of daily life.
Healthy Outdoor Spaces: Activating the Outdoors with Purpose