Steely Can Litter
Designed By Landscape Forms
Steely means business in public outdoor spaces. The litter is crafted from 304 solid stainless steel that’s stable, dent-and-scratch resistant and very durable. Its fitted top provides a snug fit with added structural integrity, while its brushed finish contributes a sense of style that appeals to contemporary space design.
- Features
Available in top and side opening styles
Generous 39-gallon capacity
Fitted top locks to liner stabilizer with slots that hold bag in place
Landscape Forms
For more than 50 years, Landscape Forms has been producing site furniture, lighting, structure and accessories that help designers and other clients create a sense of place in outdoor environments. We partner with international designers to create exceptional and enduring products, we nurture our own people to high achievement, and we operate our business at a standard that has earned customer loyalty and leadership in our industry. Our secret is simple: Design, Culture, Craft drive everything we do.
Steely Can Litter - Brochure
Brochure (PDF)
Steely Can Litter - Product Data Sheet
Product Data Sheet (PDF)
Steely Can Litter - Finishes and Materials
Finishes and Materials (PDF)
Steely Can Litter - Sustainability
Sustainability (PDF)
Steely Can Litter - CSI Guide Specs
Guide Specs (DOC)
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When partners Kane Realty and Williams Realty broke ground on the multi-phase mixed-use development in 2017, it had one overarching goal: to bring neighborhood back to Smoky Hollow.
Smoky Hollow
The Cortina project, led by Boca Raton, Florida-based JKM Developers, is in the first stages of creating a residential and recreational development in Boynton Beach.
Cortina - Boynton Beach
Barclays Center is the Big Apple’s newest arena, home to the NBA Brooklyn Nets and host to blockbuster concerts.
Barclay's Center Plaza
If you’d like to request a quote, finish and material samples, or information about making modifications to this product, please contact your Landscape Forms representative.
All colors, textures and patterns represented on the Landscape Forms website are approximate and may vary from samples and final product.
1% for the Planet’s goal is to significantly increase the overall amount of global dollars going to environmentally focused non-profit organizations. They connect these organizations with businesses like Landscape Forms, who then donate one percent of gross sales on certain products to one of the non-profits.
Putting Planet and People First: Landscape Forms Joins 1% for the Planet
Landscape Forms is proud to continue its partnership with the Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) to offer an annual scholarship for distinguished undergraduate landscape architecture students. Awarded on the basis of academic accomplishment and creative design ability, the scholarship honors students with a unique passion, commitment and competence in creating artfully-designed places for people.
Investing in the Future of the Industry: The Landscape Forms and LAF Annual Scholarship Program
The Landscape Forms Welding Academy has quickly become one of the top welding programs in the nation, producing some of the most skilled and knowledgeable welders worldwide. The Welding Academy was initially conceived out of necessity—Landscape Forms simply could not find enough talented welders whose work met the company’s relentless dedication to aesthetic beauty, quality and precision of manufacturing.
Committed to Craft: The Landscape Forms Welding Academy
The Road Ahead: Reimagining Mobility exhibit showcased 40 design projects inspired by the technologies that will change how we move people, goods, and services in the future.
GO OutdoorTable: A Transformative Design for the Future of Urban Environments