The iconic Plainwell Bench is both lyrical and robust. While this perennial favorite may have its imitators, there's simply no match for the original. The subtle curve of the back and slope of the seat provide exceptional comfort, while a hefty cast aluminum end frame and substantial slats provide remarkable strength and durability.
- Features
Offered with aluminum or wood seats and backs
Available in two lengths with options for center and intermediate arms
Freestanding or surface mount
Carbon Footprint Verification Statement available
Robert Chipman
Plainwell - Brochure
Brochure (PDF)
Plainwell - Product Data Sheet
Product Data Sheet (PDF)
Plainwell Bench - Finishes and Materials
Finishes and Materials (PDF)
Plainwell Bench - Installation Guide
Installation Guide (PDF)
Plainwell Bench - Sustainability
Sustainability (PDF)
Plainwell Bench - CSI Guide Specs
Guide Specs (DOC)
Choose "File Type" below, then, if prompted, select from the product options to specify the file you'd like to download. (Choose "NA" if a product option is unrelated to your desired product configuration.)
The Albany Skyway, an underutilized highway offramp turned linear park, connects the capital city’s downtown core with the Hudson and offers pedestrians a new view of the historic riverfront landscape.
Albany Skyway
Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation utilized a variety of Landscape Forms lighting and site furniture elements to create Hemisfair, a 19-acre park on the site of the 1968 World's Fair in San Antonio.
A $134 million referendum, the largest to date in Wisconsin, passed with strong public support in 2010 and gave Madison Area Technical College the go-ahead for a major campus expansion. Four construction projects, additions to the campus’s 30-year-old main building, and a complete redesign of the exterior campus brought new programs and new energy to the Truax campus.
Madison Area Technical College
If you’d like to request a quote, finish and material samples, or information about making modifications to this product, please contact your Landscape Forms representative.
All colors, textures and patterns represented on the Landscape Forms website are approximate and may vary from samples and final product.
The roots of Landscape Forms took hold long before the company’s modern and expansive East Michigan, Midlink, and Meld facilities. They began right off East Main Street, behind a beautiful home, in a small barn on what is now known as the Chipman Preserve.
The Chipman Preserve: A Company’s Roots Become the Community’s Future
Its grain—undulating and swirling. Its hues—warm and reassuring. Its aroma—nostalgic and earthy. Its texture—firm, smooth, confidence-inspiring, yet somehow also soft and welcoming. Wood captures the beauty of Mother Nature like few other materials can, a remarkable and renewable resource that only She herself could create.
Wood Is Good: A Celebration of the Material’s Natural Beauty, Durability & Sustainability
For over 50 years, Landscape Forms has enjoyed a reputation as one of the most gratifying, compassionate and community-oriented workplaces in the manufacturing hub that is Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Landscape Forms Team Members on What Makes Workplace Excellence
1% for the Planet’s goal is to significantly increase the overall amount of global dollars going to environmentally focused non-profit organizations. They connect these organizations with businesses like Landscape Forms, who then donate one percent of gross sales on certain products to one of the non-profits.
Putting Planet and People First: Landscape Forms Joins 1% for the Planet