Kaleidoscope OS
Designed By Brian Kane
Designed for exceptional utility, stability and style, Kaleidoscope OS is the next generation of Landscape Forms’ unique Kaleidoscope outdoor structure system. Kaleidoscope OS is one foot lower in height to provide comfortable pedestrian scale, is open on all sides to withstand high wind loads, and can be surface mounted for ease of installation and retrofit.
- Features
Available in three lengths with options for up to 9 seats
Options for integrated lighting
Available with two styles of backed and backless seating
Brian Kane
Kaleidoscope OS - Brochure
Brochure (PDF)
Kaleidoscope OS - Product Data Sheet
Product Data Sheet (PDF)
Kaleidoscope OS - Finishes and Materials
Finishes and Materials (PDF)
Kaleidoscope OS - Installation Guide
Installation Guide (PDF)
Kaleidoscope OS - Sustainability
Sustainability (PDF)
Kaleidoscope OS - CSI Guide Specs
Guide Specs (DOC)
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If you’d like to request a quote, finish and material samples, or information about making modifications to this product, please contact your Landscape Forms representative.
All colors, textures and patterns represented on the Landscape Forms website are approximate and may vary from samples and final product.
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