The Cirque Series are round architectural landscape containers with a distinct mathematical connection to the natural world. The arrangement of its facets is kindred to the Earth’s rotation, enabling changing light to energize Cirque’s surface as the series of facets is illuminated in a gradation from light to dark.
- Features
Designed to elevate the familiar cylindrical planter
Available in 3 sizes
Offered in 9 standard colors, with custom options available
Larry Kornegay
Cirque - Product Data Sheet
Product Data Sheet (PDF)
Kornegay - Finishes and Materials
Finishes and Materials (PDF)
Cirque - CSI Guide Specs
Guide Specs (DOC)
Kornegay - Care and Maintenance
Custom (PDF)
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If you’d like to request a quote, finish and material samples, or information about making modifications to this product, please contact your Landscape Forms representative.
All colors, textures and patterns represented on the Landscape Forms website are approximate and may vary from samples and final product.
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