Designed By Landscape Forms
Booth is designed to create interaction spaces that are fresh yet familiar, taking the warmth, comfort and intimacy of a widely enjoyed indoor seating experience and reimagining it for the outdoors. It’s a social design and familiar typology, intended to define spaces that bring people together and encourage closeness and quality conversation.
- Features
Offered in both tall back and low back silhouettes
Features convenient hooks for coats and bags
Pairs perfectly with a specially designed Contour table
Landscape Forms
For more than 50 years, Landscape Forms has been producing site furniture, lighting, structure and accessories that help designers and other clients create a sense of place in outdoor environments. We partner with international designers to create exceptional and enduring products, we nurture our own people to high achievement, and we operate our business at a standard that has earned customer loyalty and leadership in our industry. Our secret is simple: Design, Culture, Craft drive everything we do.
Booth - Brochure
Brochure (PDF)
Booth - Product Data
Product Data Sheet (PDF)
Booth - Materials
Finishes and Materials (PDF)
Booth - Installation Guide
Installation Guide (PDF)
Booth - Sustainability
Sustainability (PDF)
Booth - CSI Guide Specs
Guide Specs (DOC)
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If you’d like to request a quote, finish and material samples, or information about making modifications to this product, please contact your Landscape Forms representative.
All colors, textures and patterns represented on the Landscape Forms website are approximate and may vary from samples and final product.
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