The Healthcare Campus
Outdoor healing spaces address the cornerstones of the modern healthcare approach—advancing patient health, creating an increasingly humanized experience, and supporting caregivers -- all while fostering a sound medical practice. Today’s innovative healthcare institutions are creating more humane, more empathetic and more supportive environments that activate the untapped power of the outdoors to connect, empower, heal, and rejuvenate.
An increased focus on physician-patient-hospital relations is calling for better communication through increasingly human-centered design, and hospitals recognize how creating compassionate spaces that reduce stress can lead to faster healing and higher satisfaction. As a part of this progressive, more holistic model of care, Landscape Forms provides the inspiration and solutions to help activate outdoor healing spaces to better support patients, visitors, doctors and caregivers.
Thought Starters, Insights and Projects
To inspire and illustrate how we can create more nurturing and supportive healthcare environments together, we’d like to share some thought starters, insights, and project installations, all incorporating the many years of experience we have in collaboratively and innovatively designing for the outdoor space.
Healthcare Campus Insights
Nurture Healing by connecting patients, staff, and visitors with natural light and fresh air in order to nurture healing and provide moments of respite.
Inspire Mind-Body Balance by fostering the uplifting connections to nature and peaceful outdoor experiences that stimulate mental and physical healing.
Facilitate Communication by offering settings that encourage informal social exchanges to improve communication between patients and providers.
Enhance Belonging by creating compassionate spaces that reinforce senses of inclusion and orientation to reduce stress and assist in navigating unfamiliar surroundings.
By applying these strategies to activate outdoor healing environments, healthcare facility planners, designers, and landscape architects can extend provisions beyond facility walls and effectively enrich the overall care model.
San Francisco, CA
Rapid City, SD