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Urban Station 3

Places and Insights  /  Transit  /  Urban Station 3

Insights and Solutions

The waiting and queuing area within the Urban Station is a large sheltered train, light rail, and/or bus depot developed on an urban scale with dining and retail amenities. It offers a framework for transit that accommodates basic human needs and enables continuous productivity.

  1. A range of seating and amenities including retail shops, coffee shops, and bar offer a choice of comfortable spaces for commuters to work, wait, socialize, eat, and drink.
  2. A bright, active, and open setting encourages both interaction and productivity.
  3. Overhead custom trellises bring a more humanized scale and sense of belonging into the expansive space while dampening noise. Jessie rails and Chipman stools provide productive work settings while waiting.
  4. GO OutdoorTables and Chipman stools give commuters flexible standing or perched options, substantial work surfaces, and USB and/or GFCI power to stay productive and connected.
  5. Gus planters with seat inserts with Chipman chairs and Chipman tables create space for small social gatherings or casual discussions with fellow commuting co-workers.
  6. Gus planters provide a boundary between circulation paths and seating areas while also designating a habitat for flowers to engage visual and olfactory senses.
  7. Chipman tables and Chipman chairs provide additional optional settings in which to productively work while waiting.
  8. Central Park Conservancy litter receptacles serve as attractive options to conceal and recycle waste.
  9. Jessie rails and Gus planters with seat inserts oriented to view incoming trains offer a choice of postures.
  10. Outdoor charging stations adjacent to seating, tables and rails provide convenient access to power and USB charging.