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Terrace Garden

Places and Insights  /  Community + Public Spaces  /  Terrace Garden 

Insights and Solutions

The Terrace Garden is an outdoor setting that promotes an indoor/outdoor lifestyle.   Spaces that, like the terrace garden, intertwine indoor and outdoor living, promote well-being by facilitating a connection to nature that initiates a sense of belonging, encourages personal mindfulness, and stimulates rejuvenation

  1. Fold-away glass walls and weather-proof flooring extend the living area outside.
  2. Sun shading (custom element) protects inhabitants and visitors from the sun and extends the usability of the outdoor space throughout the day.
  3. A variety of seating options coupled with open areas and a pool encourages work, play, exercise, and leisure outdoors.
  4. Fortunato seating extends the living room outdoors and supports comfortable intimate social gatherings or individual activities like reading, relaxing, or enjoying a morning cup of coffee.  Tables enhance the lounge setting by providing generous surface areas for personal items, food, and drink.
  5. Cochran chaise lounges, Cochran side tables, and TUUCI umbrellas create a relaxed, spa-like shaded area atop a cantilevered deck adjacent to the pool area.
  6. MultipliCITY tables and MultipliCITY benches support communal dining experiences for larger groups of friends, colleagues, or family.
  7. Rosa planters soften the edge of the dining space and provide a space for colorful flowers that enhance visual and olfactory senses.