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Regional Station 2

Places and Insights  /  Transit  /  Regional Station 2

Insights and Solutions

The Regional Transit Station is an open, multi-modal station developed on a regional scale and paired with a facility that serves rail and bus lines. The station includes design elements that spark social interactions and cultivate memorable, human-centered experiences.

  1. Upfit station design defines cueing and waiting zones with elements such as seating, work surfaces, and charging stations.
  2. Mirrored stations provide visibility and access to rail and bus lines at two access points.
  3. Power is delivered through Upfit's posts and beams. Upfit interior lighting contributes to a sense of security during evening or early morning use.
  4. The Upfit louvered roofs provide protection from wind and sun; weather management offers control of sun and shade levels and rain protection.
  5. Upfit louvered panels offer protection from the sun and wind.
  6. Upfit green panels add color and texture to the hardscape and linear nature of transit stations.
  7. Connect sitting rails provide a perch, and charging stations with LED area lights offer convenient access to power and USB charging in the waiting zones.
  8. Rest benches offer short duration seating for commuters awaiting transit.
  9. Kornegay Larkspur planters line the center walkway and add color and natural elements to the station.
  10. Two Hi-Glo area lights illuminate the station and contribute to a sense of safety and comfort.
  11. Stop bollards signal station boundaries for commutes awaiting transit.
  12. Collect receptacles conveniently located help to keep the area free of litter.