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Plaza 1

Insights and Solutions

The Plaza is a vibrant hub where people gather and is designed to inspire creativity by connecting individuals or small groups to nature.

  1. A range of settings provides choice as to where and with whom to socialize.
  2. Trapecio bench seating inspires different viewpoints through a variety of postures including seated, perching and reclining positions.
  3. Silla chairs are configured to promote face-to-face interactions, catalyzing creativity.
  4. Fortunato benches surround the fireplace and raised balcony to create a comfortable, inviting setting that stirs both individual contemplation and informal conversation.
  5. Chipman tables and Chipman chairs are grouped under TUUCI umbrellas to create a sheltered space for working, eating, or socializing.
  6. The GO OutdoorTable with canopy and Chipman stools give students a comfortable place to collaborate, socialize, work and power up with USB and laptop charging.
  7. FGP Pedestrian Lights add ambiance and help to create safe, well-lit public spaces that are usable all day.
  8. FGP bike racks support campus transit by providing secure bike storage.
  9. Lena Planters offer a place for flowers or other plant life which engage visual and olfactory senses.
  10. Fireplace (custom element) creates a focal point for the space and inspires a welcoming, home-like feel to reduce inhibitions and stimulate creative thought.
  11. A ramped balcony with a wooden deck (custom element) creates a centralized, relaxed lounge area.
  12. Tree canopies provide filtered shade over the bench area while turf strips deliver a pleasant underfoot experience.
  13. Outdoor charging stations adjacent to benches and tables provide convenient access to power and USB charging.