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Insights and Solutions

The Meet space is a setting that supports group discussions, presentations, and collaborations; and is designed to encourage active listening and participation.  Well-designed environments can encourage today's active approach of constructing knowledge together by supporting effective presentation and collaboration methods.

  1. The GO OutdoorTable and Chipman stools support active standing and perching postures while providing a dynamic work surface for learning and presenting. In addition, the canopy helps to reduce glare on digital devices and integrated power outlets provide charging capabilities, extending the use of technology outside.
  2. Vertical surfaces (custom element) frame the edge of the space allowing for annotation supporting collaborative activities.
  3. Jessie rail offers a convenient surface to place personal devices or beverages for those presenting or facilitating collaboration.
  4. Gus planter with seat insert provides ample ancillary seating and a convenient place for personal items such as backpacks to lessen table top clutter and encourage active group learning.
  5. Signage provides campus wide wayfinding and identification of available settings which eases navigation.
  6. Peripheral plantscaping creates a softened boundary and sense of place yet still offers an unobstructed perspective for inspiring views of surrounding space.