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McLaren Garden of Healing and Renewal

Village of Clarkston, MI


McLaren Health Care Corporation


RTKL Architects, Professional Engineering Associates (PEA),

Trammell Crow Co. Development Managers

Landscape Forms Elements

Wellspring Benches, Catena Tables, Traverse Chairs, Lakeside Benches, Studio 431 Custom Benches

McLaren Health Care Village in the Village of Clarkston, Michigan, is a large healthcare facility designed to deliver the full continuum of health care services to provide prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure at one site.

McLaren Health Care, in collaboration with the Clarkston Medical Group, opened in May, 2009. Phase 1 included the 135,000 sq. ft. Clarkston Medical Building, the 42,000 sq. ft. McLaren Cancer Institute-Clarkston Building, and a 5-acre Garden of Healing and Renewal. The Garden provides peaceful, soothing surroundings in which to connect with nature, talk privately and build strength. The garden is designed for the community to use and enjoy, and features an oasis of fountains and sculptures, sitting areas and beautiful paths to encourage exercise and curative reflection. Some of the spaces within the garden include a contemplation area with bright bench seating amongst a garden scape, a large gathering area with circular tables and chairs perfect for socializing dining for staff, and quiet, comfortably furnished areas off main path areas where visitors could read or mourn. 

Jeff Smith, Director of Landscape Architecture for PEA said of the garden, “Every time I visited, the majority of the people in the garden are in scrubs. A healing garden won’t cure your cancer, it’s there to cure the other concerns, but the doctors and nurses have stress and anxiety, too. It’s a tough job. This garden gave them a stress reducing resource as it would for anyone in a workplace who had access to a healing garden across the street from office.”


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