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Huddle 2

Places and Insights  /  Education  /  Huddle 2

Insights and Solutions

The Huddle is a space adjacent to hubs optimized for small group gatherings.  It is designed to stimulate social interactions by accommodating natural postures and encouraging face-to-face connections.

  1. A Huddle is typically near a Plaza or other hub to facilitate small breakouts from large group gatherings.
  2. This setting is scaled to accommodate multiple group interactions simultaneously.
  3. Milenio benches provide ample seating and can catalyze relaxed conversation through more casual seated and reclined postures. Thoughtful bench configurations encourage face-to-face social connections.
  4. Chipman tables ground two core interactive areas that support collaborations for small groups.
  5. Neoromantico seating facilitates dialogue through relaxed seated postures.
  6. FGP path lighting adds ambiance while softening boundaries.
  7. Signage provides campus wide wayfinding and identification of available settings which eases navigation.
  8. Tree Canopy provides filtered shade making the area more comfortable for social connections.