Hillsdale North Block and Shopping Center
San Mateo, CA
End User:
Hillsdale North Block & Shopping Center
Landscape Forms Elements:
Hi-Glo Area Lights, Morrison Tables and Stools, Parc Centre Tables and Chairs, Marneaux Tables with Catena Bases, Melville Benches, Catena Tables, STRATA Tables, Cochran Chairs and Side Tables, Chipman Chairs and Stools, Humo Ash Urns, Harpo Benches and Chairs
Design Partners:
HLB Lighting, Stantec, ELS, Lifescapes International
Team Members:
Bohannon Corporation
Is it a shopping experience or an outdoor living experience? Hillsdale Shopping Center’s North Block morphs the two seamlessly. The 300,000 square foot LEED Gold redevelopment features retail, dining, and entertainment venues, a terrace with fireplaces and seating for socializing and dining, and a large outdoor public plaza in the center of North Block that has become San Mateo’s newest community gathering place.
The plaza’s many seating and table elements are designed for all sorts of activities. Whether taking a shopping break in lounge seating, warming up on benches alongside the fireplaces, or sharing meals and conversations across dining and café tables, the outdoor spaces showcase myriad Landscape Forms products and give North Block a comfortable patio feel. Hi-Glo Area Lights keep the plaza hopping into the evening hours.
Propose ideas and solutions surrounding the Bison Bridge project – the prospective transformation of the I-80 bridge between LeClaire, Iowa and Rapids City, Illinois into a wildlife crossing, outdoor recreation destination, and potential new national park.
Xtreme LA: Bison Bridge
"We are going through an evolution in healthcare. We have been through changes before, but this is different. In this new era of 'Value-Based Care' there is tremendous focus on reducing costs and becoming more efficient - in clinical processes and the way we deliver care, in the way we operate our facilities, and in the way we design and construct them."
Roundtable: Healthcare In Transition
With an ambitious aim to provide unique new value to both people and landscapes, Xtreme LA 2022 challenged participants to find creative, innovative ways to transform the underutilized I-80 bridge and surrounding areas into a restored native ecosystem, a wildlife crossing, an outdoor recreation destination, and a potential new national park.
Xtreme LA Bison Bridge: Emerging Leaders Envision a Landscape Reborn
From the start, Theory has centered around the idea of “the beam,” looking to build out from this humble structural component a collection of streetscape elements that complement one another systematically yet are each uniquely expressive in functional and sculptural impact.
The Beauty of the Beam: How Theory Transforms Simple Structure Into Elevated Transit Experiences, With Designer Scott Klinker