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Forum 2

Places and Insights  /  Corporate  /  Forum 2

Insights and Solutions

The Forum is a semi-enclosed area designed for presentations. It provides open, thriving, and natural settings that enhance work experiences by facilitating informal peer-to-peer connections. These connections, in turn, nurture a sense of fulfillment by fostering daily relationship-building interactions that enrich professional development, accelerate personal growth, and strengthen work-life integration.

  1. An interior forum is part of a workplace strategy to spur social and business connections through open, thriving and natural settings.
  2. An integrated exterior courtyard is designed to offer opportunities to work in relaxed postures, inspire formal and informal peer-to-peer connections, and support large group presentations and events.
  3. External retractable glass door system (custom element) creates a cohesive indoor/outdoor experience.
  4. An overhead scrim (custom element) filters sunlight to minimize glare, allowing for use of personal technology outside.
  5. MultipliCITY benches with Parc Centre tables and Parc Centre chairs are configured to support informal social interactions and formal group presentations.
  6. Parc Centre lounge chairs and Socrates benches create areas for simultaneous social groupings on deck.
  7. Windmark chairs and Parc Centre tables support dining or working along the edge of the deck.
  8. Chipman tables and Chipman stools support a section for an audience to sit as well as a single table and stool for the presenter to rest.
  9. MultipliCITY path lighting highlights the edge of a peripheral water feature.
  10. MultipliCITY litters provide attractive options to conceal and recylce waste.
  11. Sorella planters define boundaries and engage.
  12. Outdoor charging stations adjacent to tables and benches provide convenient access to power and USB charging.