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Classrooms 3-4

Places and Insights  /  Education /  Classrooms 3-4

Insights and Solutions

The Outdoor Classroom is an area designed to support groups as they gather to learn, present, and discuss. Well-designed environments can encourage a modern, active approach to learning by supporting effective presentation, collaboration and socialization methods.

  1. Classroom layout supports lectures and group presentations.
  2. The furniture configurations encourage collaboration among multiple groups through face-to-face social interactions and support a variety of postures.
  3. Upfit adaptive structures create high performance learning settings by incorporating electricity to power lights, display monitors, and charging ports to stay connected, and support modern teaching tools while outdoors.
  4. Upfit louvered roof protects students from the elements while reducing glare on digital devices.
  5. Upfit louvered panels angle to shade interiors and maximize privacy.
  6. Upfit glass panels also act as markerboards to support collaborative learning and presentations.
  7. Upfit green wall panels create a soft natural boundary to the learning space
  8. Upfit inline tables attach to the structure to create working, reading, and perching spots.
  9. Harvest tables with Chipman stools support group based active learning.
  10. Chipman chairs create an efficient classroom layout.