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A Year in Review

LEDucation in New York City, Lightfair in Chicago, IES Conference in Boston, IALD Enlighten Americas Conference in Seattle, and so many more — we've been all over the map this year and have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to meet you and discuss our design, technology, and ecology outlook for outdoor lighting. Here are some of our favorite stops along the way.

Boston event attendees enjoyed a rooftop gathering overlooking the harbor.

Delightful libations and morsels were served and enjoyed by all.

The event was held in coordination with the IES National Conference that was hosted in Boston.

Torres, Annapolis, and Ashbery were on display at our event in Chicago.

Another shot from our rooftop cocktail celebration in Chicago at Joy District.

Lightfair is one of our favorite tradeshows to attend, and Chicago was a great place for it to take place.

It was a beautiful fall evening for conversation and inspiration with views of the Emerald City.

Rooftop scenes from Seattle.

Seattle was the host city for the IALD Enlighten Americas Conference, and it was the perfect spot for sharing some of our latest innovations.
