The MutipliCITY path light introduces elegant visual vocabulary in which robust verticals end in graceful winged forms. It offers a distinctive solution for path making and wayfinding in high-profile outdoor environments. MutipliCITY path lights are hardwired and offer in two different distribution types.
- Features
Constructed from cast aluminum with a stainless steel base plate
Energy-saving LED technology
Buy America Compliant
Yves Béhar
Yves Béhar is the founder of fuseproject, a San Francisco based design agency contributing to areas that include technology, furniture, sports, lifestyle and fashion. Béhar brings a humanistic approach to his work with the goal of creating projects that are deeply in-tune with the needs of a sustainable future, connected with human emotions and which enable self-expression. In Landscape Forms’s Multiplicity, Behar has designed a collection that truly pioneers the integration of mass production and custom materials and configurations. The result is a system that is internationally savvy, locally resonant, and perfectly suited for the global market.
MultipliCITY Collection - Brochure
Brochure (PDF)
MultipliCITY Path Light - Product Data
Product Data Sheet (PDF)
MultipliCITY Path Light - Finishes and Materials
Finishes and Materials (PDF)
MultipliCITY Path Light - Installation Guide
Installation Guide (PDF)
MultipliCITY Path Light - Sustainability
Sustainability (PDF)
MultipliCITY Path Light - CSI Guide Specs
Guide Specs (DOC)
Choose "File Type" below, then, if prompted, select from the product options to specify the file you'd like to download. (Choose "NA" if a product option is unrelated to your desired product configuration.)
Charleston, the South Carolina city founded in 1670, is known for its cobblestone streets, horse-drawn carriages, and antebellum houses. The city takes historic preservation seriously, particularly in the renovation of historic buildings, so when Madison Capital Group (MCG) began development of a multi-family residential building in the Charleston peninsula, preservation was foremost for the building deemed a historic structure.
Madison Station
Big things are happening in Vaughan, Ontario. Really big things. The Vaughan Metropolitan Centre (VMC) is a 400-acre parcel of land where a multi-year, multi-phase development is literally building a city.
Vaughan Metropolitan Centre and Smart VMC
If you’d like to request a quote, finish and material samples, or information about making modifications to this product, please contact your Landscape Forms representative.
All colors, textures and patterns represented on the Landscape Forms website are approximate and may vary from samples and final product.
David Ghatan intended to study architecture in college, but a last-minute decision landed him at George Washington University, a school that didn't offer an architecture major. But it was at GWU that he was able to combine his interests into a unique major that combined theatrical design with fine art and architecture.
David Ghatan: Advancing the Architectural Lighting Profession
For Teal Brogden, Senior Principal of HLB Lighting Design, light is a powerful agent of expression. Her mastery of the medium is rooted in a sincere appreciation for the balancing act at the core of her profession: the dichotomies of light and shadow, aspiration and pragmatism, and the ephemeral and technical qualities of illumination.
Telling Stories with Light
The goal of this course is for you to acquire a better understanding of how our ever evolving urban spaces need more opportunities for humans to connect, interact, and live. We will focus on how the city of Denver – pioneers of the urban pedestrian mall concept – have reimagined the 16th Street Mall and the approach to lighting the space to better address the needs of the human inhabitants using the space.
Urban Lighting & Space Design
At the recent 2022 Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Street and Area Lighting Conference in Dallas, responsible lighting design expert Rick Utting led an eye-opening session entitled Lighting, and UN-lighting, Outdoor Spaces for People. Read more.
Doing More with Less Light: The Process of Un-Lighting with Rick Utting